Thursday, July 07, 2005

Weekend Approacheth


Well, here in Italy today is the start of our weekend in approximately an hour and a half. Yesterday I went shopping by the Duomo, but didn't find so much, and then we started the weekend early by going out. We went to a nightclub that had been recommended to us called Old Fashion.

I wasn't particularly thrilled, Wednesdays they let students, or at least American students in for free, but drinks (Heineken or mixed drinks and I assume shots) are 10 Euros, or about $12. Ridiculous. We had some wine before we left but it took so long to get there my buzz was long gone, so the prospect of trying to get drunk on $12 beers did not entice me. They mostly played American music, and there were lots of Americans there as well as the Italians. The club itself was nicely laid out. Most of it was outdoors save some lounge areas, and there was a big pagoda in the middle where people were dancing, and everyone else socialized in the ring around the pagoda. I did dance a little towards the end and it was starting to get fun but then we had to go in time to catch the subways before they stop. Of course, then we found out they actually stop at 1am when we had thought it was 1:30am. We tried to find a tram home but none of the ones we needed to take were nearby, so eventually we hailed a cab which wasn't too expensive.

I finally got my photos of our packaging products onto my computer. Our packaging assignment was to create a package for an old kind of Italian coffee pot called a Caffetiera. For my design I made a hexagon shape with windows cut for the spout and handles. My friend Jessie came up with the idea of splattering coffee all over the package to decorate it with, which also gave it a nice smell reimiscent of coffee.

Today we worked on more web design. I learned a few tricks here and there but I knew most of what we learned already. For part of the class I actually led the discussion since Alessandro, our teacher, knew that I knew a lot about CSS and my English is better than his obviously. It was a little more interesting than the last class but I don't think many people got the gyst of it, it's a pretty tough subject.

I think we're going to Cinquaterra this weekend, if all the planning goes well. Cinquaterra is an area of five beachs on the coast of Italy, so it should be pretty fun if all goes well. Wish me luck.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I went to cinqueterra! It is AMAZING!! I visted the first three of the little towns. You'll die. You'll absolutely die. - nc

08 July, 2005 20:40  

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