Monday, July 04, 2005

Fourth of July in Italy

Eh, it's just like any day here. Jessie, Lindsey and I went to McDonald's for lunch to celebrate, that's about it. Today we went to see a packaging studio and learned about packaging, which is pretty cool, because I never learned about it while getting my degree at all. But nothing exciting for you folks at home. I've got an extra postcard or two, so send me your address if you want one. It's crazy that Bush was in Morgantown today, I almost can't believe it, but there's a story on about it. Wonder if it'll be on CNN World when I get back. Nothing exciting to report here, except I just discovered that Alexander Robotnick's last concert was in Zagreb 2 weeks ago. Damn you Robotnick! That would have been amazing to see but oh well. I missed the opportunity to see Kings of Convenience here last week and Kraftwerk are playing tomorrow night, but I probably won't go. The idea of going alone isn't particularly exciting, so oh well.

Here's a quick list of what I miss about America...

Peanut butter, Mexican food (Jeff, they actually spell it Messico here. Messican!), our ketchup, free drink refills, my cats, my friends' cats, my friends, my family, driving my car, having internet at home, having a working cellphone, receiving calls from people, American TV (sad but true), Morgantown beer prices, bluehole, Sheetz...ok that should cover it for now. I'm sure I'll have a big list of what I miss from here when I get home.

The other big decision coming up is where to go this weekend. There has been talk of Venice and Switzerland. I'd rather see Switzerland but Venice is nice, and I don't want to go anywhere on my lonesome. Some of my friends might go to Amsterdam after class is out, so I might see about cancelling my flight from Paris to Amsterdam, or I mght go to Paris. Idunno. Ok, time to leave the lab.


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